Ending Senior Hunger
Since 1978…..Millions of meals served to thousands of Seniors. We can’t do it without you.
Help us keep the wheels turning…
Senior Connect, the non-profit agency that oversees Kaufman County Meals on Wheels, and its’ board of directors have launched an emergency fund campaign due to the unprecedented demand for services during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Senior Connect served over 169,000 meals last year, more than ever before, to senior citizens who are fighting food insecurity while also trying to remain healthy and safe.
“Never before have we seen such unprecedented numbers of our seniors who are in need,” says Senior Connect Board President Scott Gray. “Due to a decline in donations since last March and the overwhelming need now and in the future, the board felt like it was time to appeal to our community and businesses for support like never before. We cannot and will not allow senior citizens throughout the county to go in need.”
For the first time in their 43-year history, the emergency funds for Senior Connect and Meals on Wheels are dangerously low. The agency is desperate for the community to provide financial support to ensure that it can meet the historic need.
“By making a donation online at nohungrysenior.org, for as little as $25 you can ensure that a needy senior is fed for another week,” Gray says. “A $100 donation means we can feed that same senior for another month. No matter how much you contribute, every single dollar will go far in fighting senior hunger in Kaufman county.”
Senior Connect, formerly Kaufman County Senior Citizens Services, has been operating Meals on Wheels throughout the county since 1978. They currently have five congregate meal sites and senior centers in Forney, Terrell, Kaufman, Kemp and Mabank that will reopen this summer. Senior centers have been closed for in person dining and activities since last March, at the onset of the pandemic.
Those willing to support our seniors are encouraged to go online to nohungrysenior.org to donate today.
Congregate meals are provided daily in group settings at several senior centers throughout Kaufman County. If you can participate in our congregate meal program, you’ll have an opportunity to socialize, while enjoying nutritionally-balanced meals Mondays through Fridays. We also provide simple breakfasts, daily, at our Centers.
Get Meals
Meals are provided for seniors (60+) who are unable to provide for themselves through Meals on Wheels. If you know or are someone who is in need of meals delivered to their home then contact us or see or click “Find Out More.”
Upcoming Events
Our volunteers are a diverse group of individuals. They are business owners, retirees, students, professionals and stay-at-home moms. The one thing that they all have in common is a dedication to serving the ill, disabled and senior residents of Kaufman County.
All it takes is an hour to change the life of a senior or disabled person in need! The process is simple: just choose a day that fits your schedule, and come in as often as you can. Some of our volunteers are here every day: others come once a week or even once a month.
Make a donation.
We invite you to be a part of helping to end senior hunger in your community. You may donate a gift of cash for immediate use. You may also wish to designate your gift as a Memorial Gift or an Honor Gift. We also invite you to consider a Planned Gift by including Senior Connect in a bequest in your estate plan. This offers federal estate tax benefits. Please see your financial adviser for more details on estate planning.